Equipping Individuals
For Global Competence, Effectiveness, and Impact.

We are empowering individuals to seize global opportunities and have lasting societal impact.

Developing Ethical and Entrepreneurial Leaders.

PUNZILA is fostering a network of leaders who work collaboratively to tackle challenges, drive significant social impact, and accelerate the growth trajectory of our country.

Join The Punzila
Leadership Academy

Be A Student

Get equipped with the 21st-century skills that will enable you to become globally competent, effective, and impactful.

Be An Educator

Use your experience, knowledge, or skills to equip the next generation of ethical and entrepreneurial African leaders.

Be A Partner

Let us work together to improve our leadership outcomes and catalyze community impact across generations.

Our Desired Outcomes

A Resilient
And Strong Educational Base

Improving the quality of an individual’s education journey.

Future Local
And Global Labor Market Skills

Aligning individuals with future labor market needs.

Life Long Learning Opportunities

Developing, Up-Skilling and re-skilling individuals.

Take the next step
towards building your capacity.

Check out the courses we have and start building your leadership capacity.

New Courses

© 2023 Punzila Leadership Academy.