Developing Ethical and Entrepreneurial Leaders.

We combine ethical entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial leadership principles as we equip individuals in their pursuit to create solutions.

About Punzila
Leadership Academy

At PUNZILA, we focus on equipping individuals to be globally competent, effective, and impactful.

We do this by equipping individuals with 21st-century skills, values, and knowledge necessary for global competence.

We host several capacity-building programs, workshops, and events; through which individuals get equipped with the necessary skills, values, and knowledge.

We are empowering people to seize global opportunities and have a lasting societal impact.

Our Focus Areas

#1. Leadership Development:

Everything rises and falls on leadership, that's why we focus on helping individuals develop and improve their leadership capacity. We equip people with values and leadership skills that bring about personal, professional, and community development.

#2. Skills Development:

People need to be ready for the future job market. To assist with this, we help people gain the necessary skills through emphasizing expertise in fields like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), as well as Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC)

#3. Job Creation:

Unemployment levels continue to have an upward spike, so we focus on the creation of jobs by encouraging greater involvement in economic activities among citizens. This involves establishing businesses and enterprises that are owned locally.

#4. Economic Diversification:

Our economy has low diversification. So we aim to create a more varied economy by promoting industrialization. This involves shifting away from reliance on a small number of industries and working towards a more diversified economic base.

What We Do

In Education

We provide students with value based leadership training, the aim is to nurture strong values and leadership skills in the next generation of leaders. Our objective is to provide a solid foundation that could set students and their country for meaningful and sustainable success.

In Entrepreneurship

We assist individuals who wish to become entrepreneurs in creating sustainable businesses and transforming them into high-growth enterprises. The objective of establishing more businesses is simply to increase the number of stable, secure, and well-paying jobs.

In Innovation

We support solutions-focused collaboration, domestic technology development, and industry diversification through think tanks, project partnerships, and co-working spaces.

© 2023 Punzila Leadership Academy.